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Tale Of Us
14 Aug 24
Tale Of Us
14 Aug

Tale Of Us return to Brussels.

Tickets on sale Monday 13th May (18:00 CET)

Edition Tale Of Us
A to Z
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Tale Of Us

This tale dawns in Milan, where Karm and Matteo met at a young age. The Lombardic capital will turn out to be the preface of their success story.
Through a unique production ethos, the music of Tale Of Us carries an exclusive sense of both urgency and restraint, taking ample time to carefully pace both the listener and the dance floor. Think: quivering keys, mesmerising percussion and haunting chords, conjuring mystifying ambience and suspense.
This ethos culminates in their latest inception: Afterlife, an odyssey through the realm of consciousness.
With multifaceted focus, Tale Of Us break poetic and emotional boundaries, bringing revery and awe to multiple scenes and levels, usually hemispheres away.
Watch as this tale grows and flourishes.

Tale Of Us
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Brina Knauss

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